The machine is American made by the Victor vending company. If color matters to you, let us know if you prefer red or blue. The machine works flawlessly and has a 50 cent coin mech. Check out our store to see hundreds of other vending machines, toys, stands, parts, etc. All of our listings utilize stock photos. We sell 1000’s of machines/Parts/Fun Products and can’t take pictures of every unit. The product you receive will be the same model, vintage, and general condition as the machines in the pictures. Our feed back of well over 99% and coupled with the thousands of machines we sell tells the story of how great our reputation is. Some parts may be of different style than shown but are of equal or greater quality and function exactly the same. GumballStuffT has the largest inventory and variety of used bulk vending machines in the WORLD. We specialize in commercial grade equipment like Northwestern, Oak, Beaver, Eagle, and A&A but occasionally offer other brands, as well.